South Gower 26 (4 tries : 3 conversions)
South Gower 26 (4 tries : 3 conversions)
Tumble 26 (4 tries : 3 conversions)
South Gower 25 (5 tries : no conversions taken)
Waunarlwydd 5 (1 try)
Two very good games to start the season. The away game at Waunarlwydd started very well with two excellent break away tries by Sam and Zac. Everyone seemed keen to start the new season and put the Waun team under pressure whenever they had the ball. Tackling was good and the passing from set pieces went remarkably smoothly considering this was the first game played with scrums and lineouts.
Waun returned the pressure and earned a well deserved try however it was now time for the fliers to have a run. Harry and Josh B both scored two very good fast running tries and Tom scored in the corner in the last minute with good passing all down the back line.
Well done boys - excellent start.
Josh Burt sprints for his try
First scrum - looks like the ref has had enough already

Half-Time team talk
The home game against Tumble was a different game altogether and was not helped by the kick off being delayed until 12pm.
Some missed tackling and a very good Tumble scrum-half meant the South Gower All Blacks were playing catch up for all of the game. Dan scored an excellent try in the corner and Sam got his hat trick in the last minute after intercepting and sprinting to the line.
Sam, Owen Evans and George all converted with George's excellent conversion under pressure tying the match in the dying seconds. Well done lads - good fight back.

After the Tumble game it was off to the sea-front to watch the amazing "Red Arrows"
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