Welcome to the new improved, healthier, SGRFC website. We listened to what you would have told us if you'd been able to find the time, and this is what we came up with...
...a THUMPING GREAT BLOG (courtesy of Mrs Flag) with links to some of the most important pages from the last site (so that MrFlag doesn't feel that last year's efforts were futile and worthless).
The most important thing about the new site is that contributing to it has been made easier. All active coaches and team-managers have access to the site and are free to post their own announcements, match reports, and bank account information as they see fit. Anyone else who'd like to post on a regular basis should email MrFlag (Monday-Friday) or MrsFlag (Saturday and Sunday) for access. Photographs are welcome and are the responsibility of the poster.
Anyone can comment on anything posted here by clicking on the little comments link at the foot of each article. See it? ¬
C - Ive posted two test bloggs, one being a photo - but no link on the site?
Hmm. I can't see them in the system. Did you delete them afterwards, or save them as draft copies or anything?
Either way when you've written an article, you hit the orange PUBLISH POST button, you then get redirected to a new screen...
...if you want the article you just posted to appear on the site you need to hit the REPUBLISH ENTIRE BLOG button.
If you don't, it won't be visible on the site until someone else (probably me) comes along and hits the REPUBLISH ENTIRE BLOG button.
Call me if you need to.
No worries, I sorted it. Cheers E
no worries, I've sussed it. E
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